Electricity is the
flow of moving electrons. When the electrons flow it is called an electrical
To understand why electrons flow
you need to understand that atoms can lose electrons by rubbing against another
material. Think about when you rub your head against a balloon. Believe it or
not, your hair is actually getting some electrons from the balloon. Because
your hair has more electrons then protons, we say it is negatively charged.
But what about the
balloon? Well the balloon has more protons than electrons so it is positively
Now that we know
objects can have positive or negitive charges let's talk about how objects that
are charged will behave. There are 3 main rules about electrical charges:
Like charges repel
so if both you and your friend rubbed balloons on your head
and then tried to stick the balloons together they would repel or push away
from each other because they would both have the same charge.
unlike charged objects attract
Since your hair has a
positive charge and the balloon has a negative charge, they are attracted to
each other. Kind of like to magnets trying to stick together.
a charged object will attract an uncharged object So the
balloon is charged and the wall has no charge. This means the wall is attracted
to the balloon.
This is how the electrons flow. The
negative charges (electrons) move because they are repelled by other electrons
and because they are attracted to the positive charges (protons).
The flowing electrons
make electricity, but how can we use it?
You need three things
to let you use this electrical current: a circuit or a path for the electrons
to move through, a power source, or something that is going to make the
electrons move, like a battery or a generator, and something to use the
electricity, like a light bulb or a t.v..
The power source
causes the electrical current that goes through a circuit or a closed path, and
the appliance is connected to the circuit so the electrons can move through it
and make the appliance work.
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